COVID-19 : Reminder & Clarification

  • Post category:News

Following yesterday’s joint announcement by Tennis New Zealand and its Regions, Tennis Auckland would like to remind its clubs and members of the changes that came into place today. Effective immediately and ongoing until at least May 2nd, Tennis New Zealand and its Regions have agreed to cancel all tournaments, events and competitions under our mandate. In Auckland this includes all senior, twilight, junior and midweek ladies interclub currently in progress.

Tennis NZ and Tennis Auckland also recommend that associations, affiliates and clubs take the same approach and cancel their competitions. This includes organised club tournaments and events as well as affiliate tournaments and events such as Tennis Seniors and Wheelchair Tennis. It is also recommended that all club nights are cancelled.

Although tournaments and competitions are being cancelled it is important for people to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore, at this stage coaching programmes and self-organised play are able to continue, as long as the necessary hygiene precautions are taken.

Tennis Auckland has no doubt that our sport is resilient enough to make it through this unique and challenging time. The team at Tennis Auckland will continue to inform and support our clubs, however please contact us if you have any questions.

For full details of the whole of tennis approach to COVID-19 please visit: