Roll of Honour

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TENNIS AUCKLAND AWARDS 2020-2021   Tennis Auckland Club of the Year:  Pakuranga Tennis Auckland Interclub Clubs of the Year Midweek Ladies Interclub Club of the Year Bucklands Beach Junior Interclub…

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Senior Tournaments

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Tennis Auckland administer a number of Senior tournaments throughout the year, covering both singles and doubles, and indoor and outdoor courts. Players are encouraged to check their MatchHub rankings to…

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Teams are split into grades of up to 8 teams (depending on entries received), playing round robin matches every week. Each contest is allocated two courts. Season Dates 15 February…

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Teams are split into grades of up to 8 teams (depending on entries received), playing round robin matches every week. Each contest is allocated two courts. Season Dates 2 Nov …

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Senior Interclub – OLD

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There are two Auckland Senior Interclub competitions running throughout the year. Summer Interclub runs approximately from September until April each year, breaking over the Christmas/New Year period. Teams are split…

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