Super Shots
WHAT IS SUPER SHOTS? Super Shots are fun, social tennis sessions designed for teenagers to develop their skills and continue their enjoyment of the game. Super Shots sessions run after…
WHAT IS SUPER SHOTS? Super Shots are fun, social tennis sessions designed for teenagers to develop their skills and continue their enjoyment of the game. Super Shots sessions run after…
WHAT IS TENNIS ADVANCE? Tennis Advance is an adult coaching class for players who have mastered the fundamentals of play and want to continue to develop their core skills. Unlike…
The Tennis Auckland Performance Programme is designed for players who wish to make the move towards playing at national and international level. Performance Programme players compete in National Age…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_1D5Q8vJJY&t=5sTennis Hot Shots is the national starter tennis programme designed just for kids with smaller courts, shorter racquets and softer balls, meaning that kids can play a proper game of…
Tennis Auckland Schools Programme Tennis Auckland's Schools Programme is designed to introduce tennis to school children aged between 6 and 10. Tennis Hot Shots is the national starter tennis programme…
Secondary School Tennis Competition The Auckland Secondary Schools Tennis Association run girls and boys inter-school competitions in three age groups Senior (under 19 on 1 January) Intermediate (under 16 on…
Primary and Intermediate Schools An introduction to tennis for primary and intermediate school aged children. Get into the swing of things with Tennis Hot Shots and provide your students with…
Tennis New Zealand Programme Pathway Tennis New Zealand Match Play and Training Recommendations Tennis New Zealand Athlete Development Pathway
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqhMYRZiL4EWHAT IS CARDIO TENNIS? It’s a fun, social, group tennis-fitness programme for all adults of any ability - even non-tennis players! Cardio Tennis is a great way to hit plenty…