Twililght Inteclub Entries Now Open


Entries for the Twilight Interclub competition close on Monday 5th October 2015. The competition will be held during daylight saving time (commencing Monday 3rd November and Tuesday 4th November) and days for play will be Monday and Tuesday.


Click here to enter your teams (2015 – 2016 Twilight Entry)



  • Two, three or four people per team:         2 singles matches
  •                                                                 1 doubles match
  • Each match shall be two sets only using sudden death deuce concept.
  • If one set all a SUPER TIEBREAKER will determine the result.



  • Four person teams:     1 & 2 and 3 & 4 play the first two doubles
  •                                    1 & 3 and 2 & 4 play the second two doubles.
  • Players may play in any order from contest to contest.
  • Each match shall be two sets only using sudden death deuce concept.
  • If one set all a SUPER TIEBREAKER will determine the result.

 In the event of a count back such a tiebreaker shall count as one set and if sets are even the Super Tiebreaker is counted as a game.

The grading system will be used for the singles and doubles competitions to decide the composition of the sections. In the Twilight Singles Competition the total points of the two regular playing members and in the Twilight Doubles Competition the total points of the four regular playing members. Clubs will nominate which night each team wishes to play on. For example, you may enter 3 men’s doubles teams on a Monday night and 2 men’s doubles teams on a Tuesday night and what section they play in will depend on the total points of the four regular team members.

Please remember reporting time is 6.15pm with the start time 6.30pm.