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WILSON Winter Satellite Series & Pre-Interclub Match Play Series

Thank you for making it another successful year of the WILSON Winter Satellite Series. Thank you to the parents and players for your commitment and perseverance throughout the series, especially on cold and wet days. We had the final afternoon session on Sunday 6th August, and the rain haunted us again, but we battled through it to finish! Thank you to the players and parents that joined Desrae and me for the prize-giving. Lastly a big thank you to our generous sponsor WILSON who provided us with tennis balls, court prizes and major prizes for the series.

Congratulations to the major prize-winners who get to choose a WILSON racquet or racquet bag from the Players Sports shop at Scarbro Tennis Centre.

Click here for the List of Prize Winners

 As a follow up to the satellite series Tennis Auckland will now be running a new series, the Pre-Interclub Match-Play Series starting on Sunday 20th August. It is a 3 tournament series based on the same format as the Satellite Series. The differences are:

  • 1 session starting at 0830 and finishing no later than 4pm
  • 4 players per court playing 2 sets to 4 and a super-tiebreaker (if third set needed)
  • Matches count for Configure Ranking Points
  • $20 per player, pay as you go, includes 4 match balls per court, and a court winner prize

Dates are 20th August, 3rd and 17th Sept with 10th and 24th Sept as rain reserve up days.

We only have 92 spaces available, compared to 230 for Winter Satellite, so don’t delay!

Enter online now: